Experimental Space 空間實驗

Visit our Ruang, Kongsi your thoughts.

About Us 關於我們

The term Ruang Kongsi came from the idea of kongsi (sharing) and ruang (space). While the term 'shared space' is an urban design and traffic engineering concept, we would like to extend our interpretation on the idea of 'sharing' and 'space', through the grassroots initiatives of arts, social and cultural.

Ruang Kongsi established since late-October 2018, is a collective space for the cultivation of a socially, artistically and culturally conscious community in Penang, to realizing the cross-disciplinary speculation and thinking for moving forward to a greater inclusivity society.

When we talk about space, it not just space with wall and ceiling, but a space to think and speculate.

Ruang Kongsi is a centre for life-long learning and social transformative knowledge, with community courses on philosophy, social studies, human rights, democracy, and practical skills. The collectively run space is home to a community library, a publicly available event space for social activities and exhibition space for local community artists.

  • A community library;
  • A conducive and convenient space for social activities;
  • An exhibition space for local community artists;
  • A centre for life-long learning and social transformative knowledge, with community courses on subjects like philosophy, social studies, human rights, democracy, practical skills and so on.

Ruang Kongsi 即為“共享”(sharing)和“空間”(space)。在城市設計與交通規劃的語境中,有著用以整合各道路使用者的"shared space"的概念。 我們想藉這概念為起點,將“共享”和“空間”的想像,延伸到社會、藝術和文化的行動實踐上。

Ruang Kongsi 共思社 2018年10月尾成立,成員們希望打造一個開放、具備公眾參與及互動的空間,串聯文化、藝術、社會議題,促進思辨及行動力,為邁向更具包容性的公民社會作出努力。



  • 社區圖書館;
  • 能產生更多社區活動的地方;
  • 本土藝術家的展覽空間;
  • 終身學習與社會改革知識中心,包含各種哲學、社會議題、人權、民主等人文課程。

Our Collaborators

Ruang Kongsi is currently shared by several groups that have conducted numerous activities over the years such as hosting civil rights organisations, film screenings and discussions, student forums, gender equality workshops, and many more.

  • Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) Penang that vows for civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights.
  • The Fortnights Film Club that uses film as an entry point for discussion on different issues.
  • High School Students Camp that provides learning space for secondary school students.
  • Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) Bayan Baru Branch a political party that believing in organising and mobilising grassroots to fight for a just and equitable society.
  • PLUsos (People like us support ourselves) aims to provides Malaysian LGBTIQ+ community and its allies a safe and non-judgemental platform for information.


  • 人民之聲(SUARAM)檳城辦事處,是提倡人權的非政府組織。秉持著所有人權具有普世性、互相依附且不可分割的原則,維護公民、政治、經濟、社會及文化的權利。
  • 不三不四電影俱樂部,以電影作為探討課題的切入點。
  • 高中生生活營,通過生活營和邊學邊玩,互動的學習方式讓中學生了解生命與社會的多元,思索生命也關心社會。
  • 社會主義黨(PSM)峇央峇魯支部,堅信人民力量的政黨,通過組織與動員草根人民,實現一個更公正平等社會,並促成勞動階級與被壓迫人民的自我解放。
  • 大馬同人互助諮詢協會(PLUsos),主要提供「在線諮詢」和「電郵諮詢」服務,是同人(PLU)尋求諮詢、陪伴和支持的管道。